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      公司簡(jiǎn)介|Company Profile
              廣東省東莞輕工業(yè)品進(jìn)出口有限公司位于東莞市莞城運河西二路。公司成立于1979年,2002年改制為有限責任公司。 經(jīng)過(guò)四十年的努力,公司各項業(yè)務(wù)不斷發(fā)展和擴大,連續多年進(jìn)入“中國進(jìn)出口額最大的500家企業(yè)”排行榜的前200名, 并且已連續33年被評為"守合同重信用企業(yè)"。我司是海關(guān)總署“中國外貿出口先導指數”樣本企業(yè)。
              公司主營(yíng)輕工業(yè)品的進(jìn)出口業(yè)務(wù),經(jīng)營(yíng)品種繁多,包括五金百貨、家電、箱包手袋、勞保用品、塑料制品、玩具 、鞋、服裝、文體用品和裝飾禮品等。公司開(kāi)展主營(yíng)業(yè)務(wù)的同時(shí),多種經(jīng)營(yíng),全面發(fā)展。承辦中外合資經(jīng)營(yíng),合作生產(chǎn);代理進(jìn)出口業(yè)務(wù);承辦來(lái)料加工,來(lái)樣加工,來(lái)件裝配;開(kāi)展補償貿易;經(jīng)營(yíng)轉口貿易和易貨貿易;開(kāi)展國內貿易、物流和保稅倉業(yè)務(wù)。
              公司本著(zhù)平等互利、彼此信賴(lài)、重合同、守信用的原則,竭誠為世界各地客商提供最優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)。讓我們一起合作共創(chuàng )美好將來(lái)。

      Guangdong Dongguan Light Industrial Products Import & Export Co., Ltd. locates in the city of Dongguan, a southern China city between Guangzhou and Hongkong. Founded in September 1979, the company's business operations have been developed and enlarged by our continuous efforts over more than four decade . We have been one of the 500 largest import and export companies in China for years.

      We handles the import and export business of light industrial products mainly. Our export business covers a wide range including hardware, houseware, electrical home appliances, labor protection goods, travelling outfit, handbags, plastics, toys, footwear, garments,stationery, decorative gifts and etc. We also devote ourselves to undertake joint venture and cooperative production, to carry out processing from customer's designs and materials, to develop business such as internal trade, logistics and bonded warehouse.

      With "Equality and Mutual Benefits" in mind, and "Respecting Contract, Keeping Credit" as principle, we always offer attentive and quality service to customers all over the world. We hope to cooperate with you and march forward for a bright future.

      廣東省東莞輕工業(yè)品進(jìn)出口有限公司版權所有 侵權必究 | 粵ICP備05138999號  電子地圖  |  友情鏈接

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